To my neighbors in Los Angeles,
Are you currently struggling with body confidence issues, joint pain, and a lack of mobility and strength that comes along with being unfit and overweight?
Contrary to what you may believe, the key to resolving these issues isn’t another restrictive diet, crazy workout regimen, or expensive supplement.
It’s getting a coach.
As a personal trainer with over a decade of experience, I can tell you that the biggest difference between those who continue to struggle and those who succeed is whether or not they have a coach.
Hiring someone that specializes in weight loss, muscle building, and flexibility is your ticket to dropping body fat, sculpting a more attractive body, reducing joint pain and muscle stiffness, and improving your happiness and self-confidence.
Not to mention that hiring a coach solves the biggest problem most people face - accountability.
With a coach by your side, you’ll finally have a reason to stop putting it off and get to work.
So, if you’re looking for a REAL approach to fitness - one that is sustainable, manageable, and includes the guidance and support of a true professional, I can help you.
You WILL have to put in some time and effort, though luckily, it’s probably not as much as you think.
My program is built for people who are looking for a minimal investment and maximal return type of approach.
Just a few targeted workouts each week coupled with some slight dietary modification will get you better results than most.
So, if you’re:
1)Tired of living with a body you're unhappy with.
2)Tired of feeling stiff, uncomfortable, and dealing with joint pain.
3)Ready to work with a qualified professional who will get you moving towards a healthier and happier lifestyle.
Then please reach out to me today to see if we’d be a good fit for each other.
To your health,
Coach Jonathan